14:00 06.08.2007 | Все новости раздела "Белорусская социал-демократическая партия (Грамада)"

Appeal to the Leaders of Democratic Countries All Over the World - Irina Kozulina, Sergei Skrebets

Dear ambassadors of democratic countries,

As we are speaking before you today, we would like to ask you to inform the heads of your states about the following appeal to the leaders of democratic countries all over the world.
    Dear ladies and gentlemen,

We realize the insignificance of our request compared with the problems of big world politics that you have to deal with every day. Nonetheless, we venture to speak because we believe that little problems can engender big ones.

We expect moral and political support from United Europe, support for our struggle for the release of political prisoners and the establishment of democracy in Belarus, which would meet generally recognized civilized standards.

Common European interests in the sphere of security and economic development cannot be fully met while the Lukashenko regime constitutes a threat to the security of its neighbors as a totalitarian state that cooperates with rogue countries threatening the civilized world, such Iran and Venezuela.

The constitution of the Republic of Belarus proclaims the nation’s course toward state neutrality. At present Belarus does not seek neutrality. Lukashenko openly says that Belarus sold weapons to Iran. Condemning the anti-democratic policy of the present regime would contribute to Belarus’ return within the constitutional limits.

At present the political regime in Belarus can collapse only if United Europe takes an uncompromising approach to this regime. And then uninterrupted supplies of energy resources from Russia to Europe via Belarus would be guaranteed.

Belarus should take its place in the European community of democratic nations. Europe cannot ignore Belarus or forget it, as while the totalitarian regime of Lukashenko exists, there exists a threat to security and, in the first instance, a threat to the economic security of United Europe.

At present it is very hard in our country to fight against the existing anti-democratic regime. People have been intimidated and are persecuted for freethinking. They are afraid to join political parties. They are afraid to subscribe to pro-opposition newspapers and openly express their opinion. The KGB persecutes young people and students for membership in unregistered youth organizations, for their intention to receive education abroad, and for participation in rallies and demonstrations. People are dismissed from their jobs for political reasons. Pressure is put on their relatives and associates. People are victimized for the only fact that they oppose the policies and ideology of the ruling regime.

Political prisoners are still kept behind the bars. The ex-rector of BelarusianStateUniversity, Dr. Aleksandr Kozulin, who has been declared prisoner of conscience by Amnesty International, has been held in inhumane prison conditions for more than a year now. This guiltless honest and decent man was imprisoned by the last dictator in Europe, Aleksandr Lukashenko, who holds power in Belarus by force. The only “guilt” of Kozulin to the Belarusian regime was the fact that he had the courage to come out against human rights violations in our country, against abductions and murders of people, and violence against women, journalists and youths during peaceful protests.

Under the present conditions, it is very hard to provide support for victimized politicians and their family members, but we are engaged in this on a permanent basis.

Currently, we need visa support for people who help us struggle for democracy and human rights. These are not politicians. Unfortunately, our requests have been met with utter disbelief from the embassies of Germany, Italy, France and Sweden.

However, we still rely on you for your understanding and support. We would like to thank the embassies of Lithuania, Poland, Latvia, Slovakia, Bulgaria and the CzechRepublic for their understanding and the support that they render to us. These countries, which experienced Communists regimes, understand the problems that we face now.

We should also note that the government-controlled Belarusian television channels sling mud on European Union countries such as Poland, Italy, and Germany. However, we learn that French President Nicolas Sarkozy sends a letter of thanks to Lukashenka, in which he expresses hope for the development of bilateral relations. We cannot imagine that Mr. Sarkozy may persecute Ségolène Royal, who lost the presidential race to him, send her to prison for five and a half years and torment her there. In our country, Lukashenka allows himself to do this with his political opponent, Alyaksandr Kozulin.

We ask you, the leaders of democratic countries of the European Union, to stop political and economic support of the last dictator in Europe, Aleksandr Lukashenko.
    Sergei Skrebets, a former political prisoner, member of the board of the Belarusian Social Democratic Hramada, chairman of the Belarusian Helsinki Committee's commission on the correctional system, leader of the unregistered Kastus Kalinowski youth group, a member of the 2000-2004 House of Representatives of the National Assembly
    Irina Kozulin, the wife of imprisoned former presidential candidate Aleksandr Kozulin, head of the Freedom to Kozulin movement

Источник: Белорусская социал-демократическая партия (Грамада)

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